So I wanted to show you all how to calculate (roughly) when you would/could be ovulating and implanting based on the average cycles of 28, 29, 30, 31 & 32 days :) I was making up calendars and everything because I couldn't find a good website that showed possible fertility times, ovulation dates, implantation dates etc. BUT then I found this website! It is probably the best one i've found. It can be a bit clunky with its date ie I put in the date of 2nd Feb but it kept reverting to January! But it eventually worked :)
The thing with calculating is if you're ovulation day is off by one or two days then that throws your cycles out too. Its best just to focus on calculating at the average rates and checking your BBT or using ovulation kits etc.
It shows the calendar like this (sorry not very large!):
What I'm doing is using my chart (I keep a record of not only my temps but my symptoms also) and referring back to this website to cross check my symptoms :)
Whats happening with me: So I know this sounds strange but today I 'feel' pregnant...I'm sure I 'felt pregnant' last month too! But I swear I can feel more things happening in my body today then before. Or maybe I'm just more in tune with my body this month? Who knows! This is my DPO tracking so far:
6DPO (20th cycle day) Increased BBT, mild cramps, lower back pain, slight nausea but increased appetite & irritability
7DPO (21st cycle day) Slightly nauseous, Hunger increase, Very thirsty, Lower abdominal cramping (one side), Exhausted!, Cranky, Darker areola and large nipples, Fuller breasts
8DPO (22nd cycle day) dull ache lower abdomen, lower right hand side back pain, slightly nauseous, small amount of heartburn very early this morning, restless sleep, slightly constipated, strangest pulling sensation on lower left hand side of abdomen - rush of emotional feelings, 'feel' like I'm pregnant this month?? Runny nose and sinus pain - feel like I'm getting a cold.
To end this post I've found an awesome site to compare symptoms day by day (yes! something else for us to obsess over!)
Thanks for reading! And remember if you've got anything that you want to know just send me an email at , comment below or 'follow' me by clicking on the right handside.
Mandi O xx