This 2ww is the worst! I keep reading up on how early you
can test etc to see if there is even the remote chance that I can test NOW…but
am trying to be good because if I O’d on the day that my calculator says I did
then I’d only be 6-7 DPO right now and that’s not nearly close enough to
test…or is it?? NO…its definitely way to early to tell. I have read two stories
about girls that had BFP tests at 6dpo and both of them found out they were
having twins…maybe I should just hold off! I’ve done some research on when is a
good time to test etc so I’ll make that my next post.
I should add here as well that I thought my temp yesterday
morning was 37.2 but when I took my temp this morning the thermometer had kept
the memory of yesterdays reading which was 37.3! Hopefully that was an
implantation spike?? Also I was reading that your temperature actually goes up
the day AFTER you ovulate. My temp was 36.8 on day 14 and 37.0 on day 15 so
wondering if I ovulated on day 14???
Yesterday I had a good breakfast and a satisfying lunch but
by the time it hit 4.30pm I was starving!! Okay not literally starving but
pretty darn hungry! I’ve been watching what I eat too so was really bad and had
2 (yes I know 2!) deep fried seafood sticks after work. But that didn’t do
anything, I was still hungry.
I put my symptoms down yesterday but going to try to update
this as much as I can, at least every second day so you guys can see whats
going on.
6DPO (20th cycle day) Increased BBT, mild cramps, lower back pain, slight nausea but increased appetite & irritability
7DPO (21st cycle day) Slightly nauseous, Hunger
increase, Very thirsty, Lower abdominal cramping (one side), Exhausted!,
Cranky, Darker areola and large nipples, Fuller breasts
Fingers crossed that these symptoms mean something and its
not just my usual cycle..because I'm sure this is how I felt this time last month and clearly I wasn't preggs.
Thanks for reading!
Mandi O xx
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