Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Lets talk Pregnancy tests

Hi all!

So I'm in my 2ww period and I'm counting the days until I can take a test..I've been doing quite a bit of researching on when is the best time to take one etc and how early you can take one. I've found this info below.

A HPT detects the presence of HCG levels in your urine. Your body will start to produce HCG once the fertilised egg has been implanted into your uterus. This can be detected in urine from 6-14 days after fertilisation (NOT ovulation - fertilisation). Most HPT's are sensitive enough to detective the HCG levels from the first day of your missed period. Some sensitive tests can show up 5 days before AF is due but if you test then and get a BFN try not to be too disheartened, wait a couple of days and try again. Reading on forums I've seen some ladies get BFP on HPT as early as 8-10 dpo. One lady said she took got a BFP 9 days before AF was due!! I seriously think that this is where we (and by we I mean all of us obsessed people TTC) really go nuts. On the testing. I know for me I am forcing myself not to take one right now - just to see.

Blood tests can be detected earlier however most doctors won't give you a test until you are late - so unless you lie (oh whoops sorry I was actually due for my period next week not this week...) you'll have to wait until you are due for AF anyway before they'll test you. I found this really good exert from an article:

Implantation, when the fertilised egg implants into the endometrium, happens about a week after ovulation (range: 6-12 days), and it takes another 3-4 days after implantation (9-16 dpo) for the blood pregnancy test to first become positive, followed 2-3 days later by the early positive pregnancy urine test, the home pregnancy test (HPT).

So, this would mean if I O'd on day 14, implantation could of occurred yesterday, then it would take another 3 days for blood tests to show up (Thurs) and another 2 days after that for early HPT to show (Sat) So I guess I'm waiting for Saturday then!

When you are testing try and throw away the test after around 10 min. I know its hard because you keep wanting to double check but if it hasn't shown a second line in that 10min then its probably not going to. Throw it away and try again in a few days. Last month when I was testing every second day, I swear I would see a really really faint second line. Its funny how our brains see what our eyes want to see isn't it? I think we should all follow this rule; if you have to hold the test up to the light, out the window, squint really really hard then its probably not there. And if you leave the test for a few hours and come back and there's a second line then its probably an evaporation line. I've put some pics of faint second lines and very dark to compare. I've also put a negative test up so you can compare this too.

It goes Negative, Faint and Positive



Now remember these aren't my actual tests, they are just comparing.

In my next post I'm going to put up some calendars on when you may have ovulated AND implanted depending on your cylce length. I'm going to do 28, 29, 30, 31 & 32 day cycles :)

Thanks for reading!

Mandi O xx

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